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NameSqueeze pages and ClickBank

What is Name Squeeze page?

"Name Squeeze" page is the web page containing subscription form with explanation about product or some free offer, trying to get visitor to subscribe for some kind of newsletter.

Really, in most cases, that page is looking like closed door for that site, because, visitor can't visit other parts of that site without entering email or some other info into form fields

With these forms, vendors (or marketers) are building list for up-selling existing or some other product targeted to those subscribers.

Name squeeze pages and ClickBank affiliate programs

Similar kind of email collecting forms you can find on PPL or CPA (pays per lead) affiliate programs. Those landing pages are similar to NameSqueeze pages used from ClickBank vendors, but there is one big difference. Those affiliate programs are paying for LEAD.

In ClickBank affiliate programs, vendors using these pages are collecting emails of visitors for FREE. So, taking account setup price for one year and emails collected in that period, it is looking like good and inexpensive way to build targeted list. Selling product is still necessary, to keep site listed at MarketPlace, and to get new affiliates and subscribers.

So, that list (in most cases) is used to sell that product to subscribers. Even when that could be effective for affiliates too, vendor here is who is collecting commission, in most cases. Only when subscriber's email is connected with affiliate nickname, and when link in newsletter is redirected to that affiliate hoplink again (cookie set again), affiliate can be sure that he will get commission.

In case that newsletter (or reminder) contains "clean" url to vendor's site, cookie is not set again. In meantime, cookie can be overwritten, deleted, expired, and in that case affiliate will not get commission.

Name squeeze page is against ClickBank TOS?

Not. Not yet. Maybe yes? Many ClickBank vendors are simply copycats, and they are following trends, particularly in "make money" products. So, they are using sales page generator, because they "heard" that is good. Now you know why many sales pages are looking the same. Same is with Name Squeeze pages. "Name squeeze page is more effective than popup window". Use name squeeze page... Proof for above (trends) is explosion of "data entry" sites. Those sites are now banned from clickbank (generating too many new affiliates signups). Name squeeze pages are safe. They are still not overused. For now.

To promote "name squeeze page" vendors or not?

Good side of those pages is that they are "filtering" untargeted traffic. Nobody will signup only to see other pages on site. If visitor is interested, he will signup. Bad side is that small number of visitors wishes to leave email on the some "unknown" site. How those pages are effective, I don't know, but the fact is that is the forced signup, so, when something is forced, it can't be good. Exception is when squeeze page is made with good sales pitch, and product is really good. That vendor is then (maybe) worth to promote.

Vendor position on ClickBank MarketPlace and statistic must be checked when this kind of landing page is found. More details about MarketPlace statistic here - ClickBank MarketPlace Statistic . Anyway, percent of referred sales for that vendor is our number of interest. Higher percentage of referred sales, better.

Second to check is what links are in those "reminders". So, signup and delete cookies before clicking on link in email posted. If some link redirection is posted, or you are redirected to sales page on some other way, check payment link. On Clickbank payment form, check affiliate nickname on bottom (affiliate=). If it is your affiliate nickname, there is no reason to not promote that vendor. If there is affiliate="none", or worse - some other nickname, and percent of referred sales on marketplace stats (for that vendor) is low, your conversion rate will be very low, too.

How to build a list without fighting with "angry" affiliates

Any signup (forced or not) on vendor's site is traffic hijacking, if there is no benefit for affiliate too. As ClickBank affiliate, I am really angry when i see something like squeeze page. For me, that vendor is stealing my visitors. Yes, there are pros and cons about those pages, but after some testing, my decision was - not to promote those vendors.

If you (vendor) are using that kind of landing page, be sure that affiliate nickname is added to database along with subscriber's email. When posting "reminder", include redirection to generate hoplink containing that affiliate nickname. Small parameter added to Hoplink and script on landing page can redirect visitor to sales page. And that is all.
Yes, that is an additional work, but I saw good conversion (for affiliates) when this is used. For comparison, where "clean" url is used, conversion rate (for affiliate) was near none, zero, nada.


Name squeeze page (or subscription form) is used when you offer something for (e/book,software,whatever), and when is well known site or marketer in question. Using that page as ClickBank landing page, especially without sales pitch, is cheating. I know that many of clickbank vendors will not agree with above, maybe it is working for them, but for affiliates, it is cheating.

Just one small comparison with real world. Would you give your home address before entering some unknown shop? No? And, if you found good shop, with good prices and discounts, would you give your home address to them (inside shop)? Yes? Any question? Subscription must be an option for visitor, not obligation. Especially when visitor is sent by affiliates. Enough said.

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